Friday, January 18th, 2008
Jesse Ventura Throws Down

Sometimes great wisdom is found in the most unlikely places, such as from the mouth of ex-Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura. In this 10 minute clip, Jesse is confronted by media pundit Donny Deutsche (MSNBC) with the usual hostility that these types often bring when “debating” anyone that isn’t quite ready to send every brown person […]

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008
Where’s Kucinich?

Wow, all the hoopla surrounding these primaries is really quite astounding. As usual however, the hoopla is reserved only for a grand total of 4 or 5 front running candidates, leaving the rest of the field virtually ignored. For instance, with all this talk of hope and progressive change that gets associated with Barack Obama, […]

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008
Chomsky on Adam Smith and Mass Education

The ol‘ professa, Noam Chomsky, doesn’t really get the credit he deserves. Superficial encounters with his work, either sympathetic or critical, seem to dominate most perspectives of it, and I think there’s an unwarranted “Chomsky-fatigue” simply because they guy has been around so damned long. Regardless, I’ve watched this mean carry on debates in french, […]

Monday, January 7th, 2008
Canadian National Igloo

Canadian comedian Rick Mercer’s show ‘Talking to Americans’ occasionally has some good segments. I didn’t catch this when it aired, or maybe forgot about it, but am glad it came to my attention again. Certainly, its more relevant after the Iowa results. The show involves Mercer interviewing Americans and exposing ignorance of Canada, Canadians, and […]

Friday, January 4th, 2008
The Iowa Caucus: Surprises, Controversies.

In case you’ve been living under a rock or have at least been avoidant of the American cable news channels, you know full well that the Iowa caucuses chimed in last night, beginning the process of selection for their party’s presidential candidates. The results (source): Democratic: Obama – 37.6%, Edwards – 29.7%, Clinton – 29.5%, […]

Thursday, December 20th, 2007
Lakota Nation Secedes from the U.S.

Seriously, here you go.,2933,317548,00.html hehehe.

Monday, December 3rd, 2007
Hostage Taker Wants Drinking Buddies

I came across the following headline and thought it would be something funny: Clinton ‘hostage-taker’ wanted help with drinking. Now how many other people would have assumed it was a story on some poor, lonely dude who couldn’t find someone to drink with him, and had to resort to taking booze hostages? I can’t be […]

Monday, December 3rd, 2007
US Government Declares Right to Kidnap

As American as… kidnapping? Do you get apple pie along with the sack over your head? A senior lawyer from the US government testified in England that kidnapping of foreign citizens is permissible under American law, as it is sanctioned by the US Supreme Court. And this is not just kidnapping people from Afghanistan, but […]

Saturday, November 24th, 2007
Nicely Said Brotha

I found this commentary to be a brief and lucid assessment of the framing of political candidates in the televisual mediation of politics; specifically the process by which certain candidates are constructed as “extremist” or “irrelevant” in the political discourses of news media. I couldn’t have said it any better myself.

Tuesday, November 13th, 2007
Racism is still rampant?

Check out this interesting piece on the pervasiveness of racism. It’s written by a guilty academic and centred around postcards. I mean bad post cards, not bad like the ones that show bikini babes that say “Wish you were her”. P.S. I just got a 38.8% pay raise. Suck it whitey.