Monday, February 8th, 2010
Study: Beer is Good for the Bones!

While too much beer might not be good for bonin’ as such, just the right amount can be great for  bones in general (the real ones, not your blood engorged member) .  Someone tell the ladies –  drink more beer for better bone health! From But seriously, a new analysis of 100 commercial beers […]

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009
Berkeley Scientist Recommends Pot as Treatment for Alchohol, Drug Abuse

From the Times of India: Putting cannabis in place of more harmful drugs may help in winning the fight against substance abuse, say researchers. Amanda Reiman, University of California, Berkeley, USA, carried out the study at Berkeley Patient’s Group, and found that 40 per cent of the 350 cannabis users quizzed resorted to the drug […]

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009
Turn Your Apple Cider Hard

Its Fall, and so it is apple season once again.  If you are a fan of hard cider, or a fan of cheap booze, check out this tutorial on making Hard Apple Cider from scratch.  It has instructions starting from the apple, or from store-bought cider. Home Brew Hard Cider from Scratch

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009
New Booze Limits for Aussie Race Fans

We all know that watching race cars and swilling liquor go together like peanut butter and bananas, but authorities are asking Australian race goers to take it easy on the booze – sort of, by restricting fans to one “slab” of beer a day during the three day event. Highlights from the BBC Asia Pacific […]

Friday, February 20th, 2009
Skittles Infused Vodka

Forget about hot pepper or boring ass Raspberry Vodka!  Here is a tutorial on how to make SKITTLES Vodka.  If anyone has some time, I would love to see something done with Starbursts. Skittles Vodka Tutorial | Mix That Drink

Friday, June 6th, 2008
Origin of Booze in 2 Minutes

Neatorama posted an Origin of Booze that provides a quick summary so that you can get your facts straight when called upon to deliver a history lesson at the bar. This is reprinted from a box – check out the link for details. And look for the Nazi paperclip warriors. Neatorama: The Origin of Booze

Friday, May 23rd, 2008
New York Online Beer Menu

If you live in New York, or plan to visit anytime soon, AND you like beer, this is for you: Beer These guys have put together a database of bars and beer menus, mashed-up with Google maps to give you all the info you need to plan your next NYC Pub Crawl. Has anyone […]

Monday, May 5th, 2008
DIY Infused Vodka

I had a craving this weekend for banana vodka, but apparently this is not sold in my local liquor store. I assume SOMEONE makes this, but I haven’t really seen it. So how did I get this craving? Not sure, but it was raining outside and I couldn’t got to the zoo like I had […]

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008
Booze Kicks Teetotaling’s Ass

Its not really news anymore, but here’s a friendly reminder that drinking saves lives. Guardian Unlimited: Help your heart with exercise – and booze “Moderate drinkers are at 30% lower risk of heart disease than teetotallers, according to a study of nearly 12,000 people. And those who combine a mild tipple with regular exercise are […]

Friday, January 4th, 2008
Boozed-Up Flies Show Homosexual Tendencies

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University ran an experiment with male Fruit Flies to study the effects of alcohol on sexual inhibitions. The researchers build a custom fly lock-down booze facility called the ‘Flypub’ in which to run the trials. There is a video too, for all you fly-voyeurs out there. Randy flies reveal how booze […]