Monday, October 29th, 2007
Monkey Fight

The Killer Monkeys of India have a fight on their hands! Expert monkey capture mercenaries have been hired from out of state (Blackwater, here’s an opportunity if you get kicked out of Iraq, I want a 2% finders fee).Some bad Assami’s are coming into Delhi to fight the monkeys old school. I hope that means […]

Friday, October 26th, 2007
Heck of a job FEMA!

It seems FEMA has learned from Katrina. I have no idea how well a job they’re doing with the fires in California. What they did learn though was how to throw a press conference. Tell reporters about it 15 minutes before the event so they can’t make it, then fill the audience with your employees […]

Friday, October 26th, 2007
Fuck Rudy Giuliani: Just Fuck ‘im.

Rudy Giuliani sucks because he’s stupid. It’s really that simple. I can only imagine the joyous pants shitting of Giuliani staffers once news of the supposed ‘mob hit’ on the former dictator of NYC got out I mean, this tough guy bullshit is Rudy G’s stock and trade. No doubt this will get the proper […]

Thursday, October 25th, 2007
Congrats on the Move

To celebrate The Runs last day of work at his current employer here’s an article about Saint Isidore of Seville, the patron saint of computer scientists. He and his family were highly influential in converting the Visigoths to Roman Catholicism from Arianism (Christianity not based on a Trinity).He know spends most of his time in […]

Thursday, October 25th, 2007
Moonshine Attack

Moonshine Attack! Continuing with the attack theme, here is proof that moonshiners can be just as vicious as monkeys, except moonshiners attack with fire extinguishers and chainsaws. Now, I wouldn’t take this as proof that moonshine is bad, but maybe its best consumed alone. Oh wait, that would make you an alcoholic… | Alaska’s […]

Thursday, October 25th, 2007
Fatal Monkey Attack

Monkey Attack! I’ve seen more and more India-monkey-attach articles over the last couple of years. This story has made the rounds in a lot of newspapers, so if you have further interest in monkey attacks, there’s lots of articles available. The poor fellow died from a fall after after the monkey assault, rather then from […]

Thursday, October 25th, 2007
Long Live the Queen(s husband)

Prince Philip is probably the funnest British Royal currently going. Besides the usual rumors of covered up scandals he also spouts out amusing quotes on a regular basis. Such as-“If it has four legs and is not a chair, has wings and is not an aeroplane, or swims and is not a submarine the Cantonese […]

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007
Predict the Future

Think you know what’s happening? Predict what’s going to happen in 2008, and Forbes will send you an email in January 2009 telling you how you did.

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007
James Lipton used to be a pimp

Todays interesting celebrity news comes to you from Inside the Actors Studio. James Lipton, the host of a show that manages to combine the best (worst?) of Entertainment Tonight and a first year Film Studies lecture used to be a pimp. In Paris. Paris France. A pimp in Paris, France. Good on you James Lipton!

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007
Shut up Starbucks

I am sick of the preachy, holier than thou crap on Starbucks coffee. I buy your coffee because of the insane amounts of caffeine in it, not because I want some jackass to tell me about his cousin in Tibet. Shut the fuck up Starbucks, or put an add for your kick-ass Pumpkin Latte on […]