Tuesday, November 13th, 2007
Journey Through Abandoned Missile Base

The idea of an abandoned Titan Missile Bases fascinates me. A while ago I posted about one that is for sale (Missile Base Dream Home). Today I came across a blog entry by Science Fiction author Jay Lake where he describes, along with pictures and video, a tour he took through Larson Air Force Base in Adams County, WA. Abandoned structures have a definite pull on my imagination, and these lonely, enormous concrete structures are no exception.

Jay Lake: They build machines that they can’t control, And bury the waste in a great big hole

“The site was terrifically sobering to both me and tillyjane. My mother grew up in the days of duck-and-cover drills, and basements stocked with government cheese and canned water with which to rebuild the American dream after the cleansing fire had washed over the land. This place featured in that nightmare which lies at the center of the house of memory of any thoughtful survivor of the Cold War.”

The only thing more fascinating then abandoned missile silos from the cold war is abandoned government cheese. Wicked.

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