Thursday, November 22nd, 2007
Lion Chasing Your Car

This has got to be one of the more amusing 911 calls since “A motherfucking Deer hit my motherfucking car“. A Lion escaped from a private collector and was chasing cars on the highway in Ohio.Check out the video clip. It doesn’t have footage but the 911 calls is kinda funny.

Sunday, November 18th, 2007
More Monkey Business in India

The Simian silliness in India continues with 1000 monkeys a week turning rogue and getting all up in peoples grills. This time it’s in Assam, maybe they rented out all their monkey fighting ninjas to Delhi.“Monkeys are wreaking havoc in my constituency by taking away mobile phones, toothpastes, sipping coke after opening the refrigerators,”They’re all […]

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

10- You’re guaranteed to get at least a little something in the sack.9- Once you’ve done it, you don’t have to wait an hour to do it again.8- The uglier you look, the more likely you’ll get some.7- You don’t have to make small talk with the person who gave you the treat.6- The person […]

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007
Funny Man Bill Mayer is Funny Looking

Check out this outtake from Bill Maher’s new vehicle on Truthdig. Funny stuff, but methinks somebody’s writers have been watching a lot of the Colbert Report – which is o.k. if we remember that most if not all good art is also an act or thievery or plagiarism.

Friday, October 26th, 2007
Fuck Rudy Giuliani: Just Fuck ‘im.

Rudy Giuliani sucks because he’s stupid. It’s really that simple. I can only imagine the joyous pants shitting of Giuliani staffers once news of the supposed ‘mob hit’ on the former dictator of NYC got out I mean, this tough guy bullshit is Rudy G’s stock and trade. No doubt this will get the proper […]

Sunday, October 14th, 2007
Extreme Pumpkin Carving

Looking for a few pointers on improving your pumpkin style this year? Check out Extreme Pumpkin Carving for fun tips like how to have a 3 foot flame shooting out of your pumpkin for half an hour.

Monday, October 8th, 2007
Oh Jeebus

A point made before, but made again quite nicely: If Jesus were running things in Washington, I would bet that all Americans would have health insurance, and government would be spending more money on the needs of the poor and less on war and tax breaks for the well-off. And the debate over illegal immigration […]

Thursday, September 20th, 2007
I don’t know any geniuses, do you?

If you do, there’s an open casting call for a new reality TV series where geniuses solve everyday problems like how to pick the shortest line in the supermarket (Apu had it right; “Single males, no chit chat and they pay cash”). So get your local brain trust to submit a DVD explaining why they’d […]

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007
Baby Boomers: Take One for the Team, Remove Yourselves from Society

I’ve a life long dislike of baby boomers. Not on an individual level, but as a group they’re incredibly annoying. Always spending other peoples money on themselves and destroying the social fabric of English North America.Now it seams that they’re the cause of the perception of “bad teenagers”. Current teens have bucked the notion that […]

Monday, September 17th, 2007
Blackwater Needs Work

Time to invade Iran, Blackwater has had its license to operate in Iraq revoked after they shot up one street too many. Who knew that Iraqi Interior Ministry had a say in Iraq? CNN Reports (who knew CNN still broke news?)