Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008
Star Trek 2009; I like sex and violence

Check out the “Starfleet Shipyard” hosted by Intel. It’s got the usual movie promo stuff, trailers and screen shots. It also has a 3D graphic of a new ship. The promo looks great, all action and sexiness, I love it. IMDB says Winona Ryder is in the cast. WTF? Stuff is going to disappear from […]

Monday, December 17th, 2007
How Many 12 Year Olds Can You Beat Up?

In my constant effort to support the wackier elements of the internet I bring you “A REALISTIC ASSESSMENT OF HOW MANY 12-YEAR-OLDS I COULD BEAT UP BEFORE THEY OVERTOOK ME“.I figure I could take on an even dozen before I get too tired and they swarm me