Monday, October 19th, 2009
DARPA Unveils Robotic Blob

The folks that brought you the Internet are still at it. The U.S. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced the invention of a ‘blob-like’ robot which is able to inflate and deflate it’s body through a process called ‘jamming’, in which the robot’s synthetic (silicone) skin is changed back and forth from solid […]

Monday, May 5th, 2008
Navy Wants Laser Blasters

Navy destroyers with laser guns? Its still science fiction, but we’re one step closer to sailing the seas with laser beams. From the Wired Danger Room Blog: Navy Pushing Laser ‘Holy Grail’ to Weapons Grade There are lots of good links to other laser-related news. I didn’t realize the Danger Room had an entire sub-category […]

Friday, February 8th, 2008
Context for Undersea Cable Cuts? The Pentagon’s Information Operations Roadmap

Given the recent developments regarding the recent undersea internet cable cuts, as brought to the attention of BBD reader by Brother Greg (see previous post), I thought some further documents and websites might provide some greater context, and more ammunition for the “conspiracy” minded among us. Here are couple of initial reports (BBC) and commentaries […]

Thursday, November 29th, 2007
Tasers: Torture?

There’s been heightened media coverage of tasering incidents lately. Most recently reports are that police tasered a pregnant woman in Ohio. Alongside the “death by taser” fiasco in Vancouver, and the speeding ticket incident on a Utah highway, it would appear that it is ever more likely the cops are goind to apply the use […]

Thursday, September 27th, 2007
Missile Base Dream Home

Anyone interested in a new home? There is a Titan Missile Base available for the low low price of 1.5 million. There are 16 buildings, but the real treat is underground. The website advertises thousands of feet of connecting tunnels. Lots of space for you, your family, and the nearest town to ride out the […]