Friday, November 13th, 2009
Monopoly Coming to the Big Screen

Monopoly may be the next board game to become a movie, if it can beat Risk to a theater near you.  Brother Greg talked about the Risk movie and lo and behold – a couple of days later I come across this LA Times article on Ridley Scott and the Monopoly movie he has in the works.

Ridley Scott is rolling the dice on a ‘Monopoly’ movie and here’s why | Hero Complex | Los Angeles Times

For your sake, I did a quick google search on board games made into moves. The only one I could think of was Clue. I think that’s correct, as long as Jumanji doesn’t count. As to my search, apparently Boil Before Drinking has maintained its successful record of being at least six months behind the news, and there are movie adaptions in the works for:

Clue (again)
Candy Land

I am not going to count a planned Ouija Board movie because Ouija Board is not a board game. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Check out the link though for some funny commentary on the Ouija movie.

Why bother to make a Ouija movie anyways, when Witchboard is available? Oh wait, someone is remaking Clue.

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