Thursday, November 12th, 2009
Docs Extract Nails, Coins, and Scrap Metal from Man’s Stomach.

From The Kitchener-Waterloo Record

LIMA, PERU — “They call me the hardware store,” says Requelme Abanto from his hospital bed in northern Peru.

Doctors in the city of Cajamarca say they removed 1.5 pounds of metal from Abanto’s stomach, including nails, coins, and rusted copper wire and scrap metal…

…The 26-year-old construction worker ate the metal for months, and told Peru’s Channel 9 television that he may now do it in public “as sport.”

“I swallowed 17 nails in February and didn’t die,” he said. “Five-inch nails, all in one day.”

Full Story Here >>.

Two Things.

First of all the competitive eating world could always use a few more “extreme” events like eating scrap metal, so I whole-heartedly support Abanto’s dream of making his neurosis a career.

Second, I just happen think the proclamation  “I ate 17 nails last February and didn’t die” is an instant classic.

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