Thursday, November 29th, 2007
Tasers: Torture?

There’s been heightened media coverage of tasering incidents lately. Most recently reports are that police tasered a pregnant woman in Ohio.

Alongside the “death by taser” fiasco in Vancouver, and the speeding ticket incident on a Utah highway, it would appear that it is ever more likely the cops are goind to apply the use of “non-lethal” force (Taser deaths in North America are over the 200 mark now) in favour of more low-tech and traditional approaches such as attempting to do police-work and engage the public. Interesting then, that the U.N. is considering classifying tasers as a torture device.

It used to be really important to people that a strict demarcation existed between “police” and “military” operations. Thanks of course to the TWAT, increasingly we are seeing the lined blurred between domestic and international applications of force. Military operations become “international policing” and domestic applications of military technology are sold and sought after.

So, in that vein, I present to you a Youtube Gallery of “taser’s greatest hits” (the effect of Youtube and personal video equipment in bringing stories like this to light is another story in itself) Enjoy!

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