Monday, November 26th, 2007
Moth Brain Drives Robot

Can a moth brain drive a robot? Hell yeah! Researchers at the University of Arizona have built a robot that has its motion guided by neural impulses from a moth’s brain.

Article: Researchers Create Robot Driven by Moth’s Brain

The robot’s motion is guided by a tiny electrode implanted in the moth’s brain, Higgins said, specifically to a single neuron that is responsible for keeping the moth’s vision steady during flight. The neuron transmits electrical signals which are then amplified in the robot’s base and through a mathematical formula, a computer translates the signals into action, making the robot move.

This is very interesting stuff. I was getting worried that we wouldn’t see any Moth battle robots in my lifetime, and that the crocodile men would run unchecked. Now I can sleep without the help of Scotch.

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