Sunday, November 18th, 2007
More Monkey Business in India

The Simian silliness in India continues with 1000 monkeys a week turning rogue and getting all up in peoples grills. This time it’s in Assam, maybe they rented out all their monkey fighting ninjas to Delhi.
“Monkeys are wreaking havoc in my constituency by taking away mobile phones, toothpastes, sipping coke after opening the refrigerators,”
They’re all slapping around the ladies and stealing candies from babies. Someone should do a dance number explaining what the story is to these damned dirty almost apes before they learn to start taking guns. If Al-Queda gets a hold of these bad ass monkeys and lets them loose in a place that’s even wussier than India we’re in trouble. Luckily it’s probably impossible to find a place that puts up with more shit from animals than India.

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