Friday, November 30th, 2007
Hellbound Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

You know, there’s always been something to this idea of “American exceptionalism” when it comes to things like politics, economics, social freedom and technology. So it should come as no surprise that Americans would be exceptional in another way: religiously. Of course we are talking about that peculiar brand of American Christianity that stands somewhere between puritanism, market fundamentalism, and a rock and roll show. That said, there isn’t much that comes out of the American Christian community that should really raise eyebrows anymore.

Which is why it is without any sense of irony that Christians in the U.S. have begun to pray for celebrities. I suppose the idea is the by praying for Hollywood’s conversion they’ll set the proper example for the rest of the fallen hordes and get the table set for the big-man’s big return. It seems to beg the question of just how far apart praying for celebrities and praying to celebrities really is. I also found this helpful website on how to balance one’s Hollywood lifestyle with a set of Christian values and ethics.

This story came to my attention while watching an un-named cable news network and one of the members of the Pray for Hollywood Commando Squad said something like “We’re praying for celebrities because they are rich and need God’s help.” God Bless America indeed.

Oh, and for shits and giggles, here’s a neato website that collects and posts images of funny church billboards.

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